El suflé (galicismo de soufflé) es un plato ligero elaborado al horno hecho con huevos (en concreto con las claras de los huevos) batidos y combinados con otros ingredientes y servido bien como un plato principal o bien como un postre. La palabra proviene del participio pasado del verbo francés souffler que significa ‘soplar’ o ‘inflar’.http://www.hotelchacaosuites.com/main.php
Lounch Bar The best Place en la Mezz
LaunchBar is a launch application for Mac OS X. It provides access to user's applications and files, by entering short abbreviations of the searched item's name. It uses an adaptive algorithm that 'learns' a user's preferred abbreviations for a particular application. For example, Adobe Photoshop may be launched by simply typing 'pho' after training and Interface Builder can be opened by typing 'ib' even though that sequence of characters does not appear consecutively anywhere in the name of the application.
Lounch Bar The best Place en la Mezz
LaunchBar is a launch application for Mac OS X. It provides access to user's applications and files, by entering short abbreviations of the searched item's name. It uses an adaptive algorithm that 'learns' a user's preferred abbreviations for a particular application. For example, Adobe Photoshop may be launched by simply typing 'pho' after training and Interface Builder can be opened by typing 'ib' even though that sequence of characters does not appear consecutively anywhere in the name of the application.